A game where the player must make it to the endzone.

Space bar is your main source of movement. (Think flappy bird )  multiple presses will keep you from falling off the bottom of the screen.

Up arrow makes you hesitate & run upwards (don't hold for too long or else...)

Down arrow  makes you hesitate & run downwards (don't hold for too long or else...)

Right arrow performs a stiff arm maneuver. ( Do this to obtain bonus points. )

Left arrow performs a spin move on the defender. ( Do this to obtain  bonus points. )


You also have 2 special moves that you can perform:

If you have 1000 bonus points, simply press "B" to shrink down to nano size and be granted temporary invincibility.

If you have 2000 bonus points, simply press "N" to transform into a tornado and watch colliding defenders go flying.  Player is invincible during this mode.